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Saturday, 3 December 2011

Well I have just come back from Mass (church !) and as usual on Sunday they read out the names of our patients who have died during the week and then we pray for them. 5 died this week. There are 17 Sisters who all kneel at the front of the church without pews and then the rest of the congregation sit kneel and stand behind them. Some of these patients I have been praying for them to leave this world for the second part of their journey where they will be in heaven and without pain to begin the second part of their journey. God in his mercy has decided that he wants these members of his flock by his side and I am so happy when God in his infinite wisdom has decided the time is right. They are without pain and so are now at peace. All I hope is that we the doctor's, pharmacists and volunteers made their last few days, weeks or months on this earth bearable thanks to the saintly Mother Teresa and all her devoted Sisters who work relentlessly for the sick, dying and destitute. How completely humble I feel in their presence and how lucky and privileged I am to be working amongst them. They have clean sheets, showers, loos, full belly's and wards full of friends and friendship and the love of the Sisters. I was walking back from my physio treatment the other day when I came across a road going slap bang through the middle of Addis. It was 18 lanes ! 9 going one way and 9 going the other. Ever since I was run down by a Royal mail van 8 years ago (hence my visit to the physio) I am still pretty jumpy crossing the road, never mind look left look right and look left again, my head resembles Linda Blair's in the Exorcist, swivelling around to check every possible angle from where a car might appear. There was a blind man of around 30 standing at the start of this death walk waiting for someone to take his arm and lead him safely across. I am afraid my to my eternal shame, I thought I am not sure if I am going to make this crossing safely by myself and so I dam sure I am not going to take you with me. My chances of survival alone are 50-50 but with you on my arm 90-10. So I walked past him. When sweating and with rubber knees I reached the other side I turned round to see what had happened to my blind friend and to my utter shame I saw a 5 year old school girl leading and threading him through the now moving traffic. I felt quite sick with shame. That wont happen again. So if you are reading my obituary one day soon, after having perished on an 18 lane road going through the center of Addis with a blind man clutching my arm, I can say, I told you I wouldn't let it happen again. Oxymoron, what a great word. I was walking down the street the other day and saw a restaurant called, Cafe Restaurant, and Oxymoron in lights underneath it, quite clever. The Americans come up with Oxymoron's without even realising it. Jumbo Prawns, CIA Intelligence. In Ethiopia Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays are Fasting days which mean you cant eat meat or dairy products on these days. So on Friday last I went to a Pizza restaurant and asked for a Pepperoni Pizza. The girl came back to me asking if I wanted a Fasting Pizza. (I then made a sound like  Scoobe Doo), A Fasting Pizza ?, yes she said one without cheese. I have now discovered the definitive Oxymoron, a Fasting Pizza. Talking of Pizza's you eat so well in Addis. The local food Injeria, a sort of brown pancake covered with spicy meat, vegetables and eggs is most unpalatable for me but the other countries of the world are well represented here. I have eaten very good Italian, Greek, Lebanese, French, Mexican and Spanish. I mean really good and not expensive. In top of the line restaurants you pay without drinks around £5.00 to £9.00 per head. Very good value. I am sort of on my stepfathers food routine of only eating once a day. I have not been hungry once and have lost (a much needed) 5 kilos in 4 and a half weeks with no pain. Aperpro of absolutely nothing and nothing for my Mother to be worried about, I have become fascinated with male policeman's bottoms. They are tiny tiny tiny. Their waits cant be more than 28 inches and are of a good height. These stick insects walk up and down the road holding each others hands, not in a homosexual way its just their way. Whilst I sit in a cafe with my coffee and a donut in my hand (possibly a frustrated New York cop) looking at their bottoms. Hummm time to come home ???

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